Johnson Aniketh Nagamallah

Software Developer | Problem Solver | Big Data Engineer
Photo of Aniketh Johnson



Hi there. I'm Johnson Aniketh. Experienced software developer in information technology and services industry. I firmly believe in continuous learning and hustle a lot exploring new trends in technology. I was trained in Java backend, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Big data stack. I have extensively worked in creating ETL processes with Hadoop, Spark, Java, and Python. I'm an optimistic person and will thrive in competitive environment. Passion, Hard work and Teamwork are my core values.I believe technology has immeasurable potential for connecting, empowering and improving our world - and I am so proud to be a part of that!

Check out my recent projects below and feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat or if you feel that I'd be a good fit for your team. Thank you for stopping by!


How I add value

Java Development

I am a natural troubleshooter, gaining great satisfaction from solving even the smallest problem. Unsurprisingly, I have found my true passion in development. I enjoy utilising all manner of technologies to find the best possible solutions, ensuring that they provide accessible and enjoyable experiences.

Big Data

I am fascinated by huge amount of data ingested daily and I thoroughly enjoy performing analysis on the data and generating useful insights.To achieve this I used Spark and other Big Data technologies to perform analysis on the flight data system in my academics and successfully analysed the data using different tools/sofwares in the Hadoop ecosystem.I have a experience in building pipelines and have used Java, Python, Bash, Spark Core, Hive, HDFS, and other Big Data stack.


I truly believe in the power of decentralization and the immense potential of blockchain technology that can break the shackles of centralized authority.I realized the usefulness of blockchain when I attended a ethereum bootcamp and developed an invoice application on the Ethereum Network.


My latest projects
Full Stack Application

Ecommerce Marketplace

Using this ecommerce application the user can login, select orders from the list, add/remove items from cart and then checkout, and make a payment to receive the item to his address.I used HTML, CSS, and ReactJS to develop frontend. For backend I used NodeJS and Rest Services.

Tech:HTML, CSS, ReactJS, NodeJS, and Rest Services

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DayCare Management System
Java Development

DayCare Management System

This application was built by me, from scratch. I developed a daycare application to onboard students based on state regulations,immunization rules etc.There are four windows each with different usecase to register students, register teachers, track immunization records, and enroll students.The application was built using Java, Stream APIs, Exception handling, Factory Design Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern etc.

Tech: Java, Stream APIs, Lambdas, Gang of Four Factory Design Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern, MVC architecture, and MySQL database

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CryptoCurrency Exchange Database
Data Management and Database Design

Cryptocurrency Exchange Database design

Designed a Cryptocurrency Exchange Database from scratch.Implemented various design features like normalized the database, added column encryption for passwords and other sensitive data, column computation, encrytion/decryption etc.Finally, I generated reports using PowerBI to gain useful insights of data in the database.

Tech: MS SQL

Big Data

Realtime Flight Data System Analysis

Used the flight data from the US Department of Transportation statistics and performed analysis using Hadoop Map Reduce, Apache Hive, Pig.I implemented the map reduce program using Java and generated the reports using PowerBI.

Tech: HDFS, Hadoop Map Reduce, Java, Apache Pig, Apache Hive, and HBASE

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Flight DataSet Analysis


Recent professional journey
  • Data Engineer Intern

    • Developed a Java Spark pipeline in Azure ADF Batch to consume real time messages from EventHub and process files into ADLS.
    • Utilized Azure Cache for Redis as cache to hold path of files in ADLS.Performed script automation with bash scripts.
    • To run spark jobs used Azure ADF custom activity to consume data from SQL Server and process and store into on premise HDFS.

  • Student Ambassador

    • Support Student Life & Leadership department events.
    • Conduct Campus Tours.
    • Meet and greet prospective students, families, alumni, and special guests.
    • Represent the college at off-campus events as needed.
    • Provide assistance in the office.
    • Perform other duties as assigned.

  • Accenture Solutions Pvt Ltd.

    • Aggregated complex and huge structured, semi structured and unstructured data in Apache Hadoop platform using Spark execution engine.
    • Responsible for importing and exporting data into HDFS and Hive tables using Java Spark & Sqoop.
    • Created external tables in Hive and loaded the data into these tables.
    • Performed script automation with bash scripts.
    • Importing and exporting data into HDFS from Oracle database and viceversa.
    • Written HIVE queries for ad hoc data analysis to meet business requirements.